Hello world!

Hi! My name is Cynthia Aralu. I started this blog to write about anything that comes to my head basically. Anything on my mind that I need to get out.

This blog runs along the same wavelength of my catalogued thoughts series which I started later on Instagram.

However, when I really think of the theme of this blog, what springs forth readily to me is, “From Here to Space”. Here, being the established and space being, the largely unexplored.

I write because words flow from me, through me, in me, and my voice has never been the greatest at conveying them. I post because I want someone out there, in some corner of the world to read and connect deeply to my words. I want to provoke thought and bring peace to people through my writing. I also want that person reading to feel a little less alone in the overwhelming vastness that is this universe.

Welcome or Nnọọ, as it is said in Igbo.

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