About Katmira

My name is Cynthia Aralu and I’m a writer.

Dramatic pause for you to think, “Well, that’s stating the obvious.”


I am going to be stating a lot of obvious and not so obvious in my blog but that is by the way. I feel I am drifting from the point of writing about Katmira but heck, this is Katmira. She drifts.

I have written since preteen. I started off with dialogues for comics on the left hand side of my school notebooks, while I sat through classes that were too boring for me to give attention to. I moved on to writing actual books in my teens, when I thought I could do better than the authors I read, mostly handwritten.

Writing has always been a tool of healing for me. It worked like a purge when I had the need to rid myself of troubled emotions and I am grateful to it.

I have written two typed books to date. None published but I plan to get them published in the near future.

I started this blog in 2012, to write about anything that comes to my head basically. Anything on my mind that I had to get out. However, I did not stick to it. I plan to, this time around.

This blog runs along the same wavelength of my catalogued thoughts series which I started later on, on Instagram. You can find me on Twitter and Instagram @kat_mira

When I really think of the theme of this blog, what springs forth readily to me is, “From Here to Space”. Here, being the established and space being, the largely unexplored.

I write because words flow from me, through me, in me, and my voice has never been the greatest at conveying them. I post because I want someone out there, in some corner of the world to read and connect deeply to my words. I want to provoke thought and bring peace to people through my writing. I also want that person reading to feel a little less alone in the overwhelming vastness, that is this universe.

Hello! and may we never say goodbye.

About Katmira (Audio recording)
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Pray the Rosary

By Cynthia Aralu Hello everyone. Pray the Rosary. This week, within a short period of time, I started and completed the book “The Secret of the Rosary” written by St. Louis Marie de Montfort, thanks to the audiobook on Spotify. See link here: The Secret of the Rosary It is the most powerful book I have…

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By Cynthia Aralu Hello everyone! Pray the Rosary. I hope you are doing well! I write this knowing that for the past week or so I have been plagued in my body, in an on and off manner, with temptation, and it all started with a dream, in which I saw a form at the…


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2 thoughts on “About Katmira

  1. Hello Katmira, in your post – If There’s A Word More Powerful Than Love, Posted on August 3, 2020, you put the scene in the movie “The bride of Habaek”. I watched this drama and this scene is really cool! Would you know who is the author of this book?
    I’m looking for references but I couldn’t find it on the internet. I thank,

    • I searched as well and couldn’t find who the author is either. So, I assumed the writer of the k-drama, “The Bride of Habaek” must have written it just for the K-drama. Would be cool to know who the author is, so I could include it here as well. Please let me know if you do find out. I found the poem really moving and it resonated with me.

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