An Ode To My Coils

By Cynthia Aralu

Hello everyone!

Here’s a poem I wrote about my hair. I had just cut off my chemically straightened hair, fall of 2017, and was just discovering the nature and texture of my coily hair for the first time. My hair had been chemically straightened, prior to this, when I was too young to remember what it was originally. So, this was all a very new journey for me, with a lot of mixed emotions.

Poetry was in everything for me, it flowed so easily to me back then. I’d venture to say it kept me company. I hope you enjoy this original. It was fun and playful writing this.

An Ode To My Coils

Helpless to H2O’s liquid touch,

Ever softly my kinks purr,

There must be magic in the water,

For its essence is quite the enchanter,

Entrancing every coil it encounters,

Undeniably taking no prisoners.

Demurely my coils stretch out,

Excitedly they spring back,

Moving as though with two left feet,

With a core that now is all but mush,

All symptoms of a full-blown crush,

My clever zealous hands,

The fervent facilitator of this romance.

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An Ode To My Coils By Cynthia Aralu
Also available on Spotify @ Amara’s Musings
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